Portfolio planning aligned with your corporate objectives:
Both for existing properties and new buildings, we provide expertise, analysis, advice and planning. With services ranging from ownership and leasing reviews to evaluating the condition and investment needs of buildings, we provide detailed plans identifying options and accurately aligning your property decisions with your business goals.
Maximized performance of our clients' facilities.
Focused on getting the best out of your property and helping you to reach your corporate objectives.
An operations view on design and construction
Once the option of a new building has been chosen and design and construction gets underway, we help to ensure that the facilities performance is considered and accounted for from the very start of the process and carried through to project handover. We have a deep understanding how to examine and drive efficiency and facilities performance across the full development cycle.
Assurance that your buildings are right for your business
We evaluate how your buildings meet your needs and look at their performance in terms of layout, occupation and use. We are experts in the examination of assets, looking at issues like current condition and investment needs, maintenance and lifecycle, health and safety, sustainability and operability, and ensuring that the building consistently performs as efficiently and effectively as possible from the first day of occupation and beyond.
Strategy and planning to maximize space efficiency
Research tells us that major corporate organizations waste up to 45% in office costs through inefficiency-much of which can be attributed to ineffective space usage. Our workplace specialists have extensive experience working with clients to perform space audits to identify vacant or underutilized space, space planning to accommodate business demands and support cultural change, and space strategy to provide an informed and flexible framework for determining space allocation in the future.
Operational Reviews
We are able to conduct an extensive review of the existing operations and provide a report with observations and recommendations. Testing and Commissioning
There is a critical step between construction and operations called Testing, Commissioning, and Handover. Commissioning ensures what the owner paid the contractor to install was indeed installed and to the specifications specified. It also prescribes a system where all contractors provide their resources (Operations & Maintenance Manuals, drawings, etc.) in the same format.
In essence, an Operational Readiness Program ensures the likelihood of long term operational success and maximizing the life cycle of the property assets thereby protecting the owner's capital investment.